I recommend including sleep, pause, suspension, interrupt, and hibernating mode recovery in your functional testing methods. 我推荐在你的功能测试方法中包括睡觉,暂停,中止,中断和睡眠状态恢复。
Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional testing and regression testing tool. RationalFunctionalTester是一个自动化的功能性测试以及回归测试工具。
Rational Performance Tester provides automated testing capabilities for functional testing, regression testing, GUI testing, and data-driven testing. RationalPerformanceTester为功能性的测试、回归测试、GUI测试以及数据驱动测试,提供了自动化的测试功能。
In this article, I explore three functional testing tools: Windmill, Selenium, and twill. 在本文中,我讲解了3个功能测试工具:Windmill、Selenium和twill。
The quantitative evaluation is made based on the number of test cases cleared during functional testing. 定量评估基于功能测试期间确定的测试案例的数量进行。
A good discussion of functional testing strategies using Robot can be found in the Robot user. s guide. 一个关于使用Robot的功能测试策略的讨论能够在Robot的用户指南中被找到。
In many ways this overlaps with the concept of functional testing. 在许多方面,这重复了功能性测试的概念。
A thorough functional testing solution should automate the creation and maintenance of test scripts and automate regression testing across multiple platforms and configurations. 一个完整的功能测试解决方案应该自动化建立和维护测试脚本,并在多平台和配置下,实施自动化回归测试。
Validation point checks in the functional testing tools can be extremely helpful in understanding what properties are changing in a given field. 在功能测试工具中选择的验证点对于了解特定字段的哪些属性发生了变化非常有帮助。
For example, functional testing of a command button can include testing what happens when the button is pushed as well as testing its size, location, and color. 比如,一个命令按钮的功能测试既包括了对按下按钮时的动作的测试,也包括了对按钮的大小,位置和颜色的测试。
In this article, I explore several different tools that help you perform functional testing on your Web application. 在本文中,我讲解了几个能够帮助您对Web应用程序进行功能测试的工具。
The test plans for functional testing are categorized by feature area. 用于功能性测试的测试计划根据特性区域被分类。
Selenium is a well-known web application testing framework used for functional testing. Selenium是一款有名的Web应用程序测试框架,用于进行功能测试。
Twill is a lightweight Web scripting tool that deals with non-JavaScript functional testing. Twill是一个轻量级Web脚本工具,它负责非-JavaScript应用程序的功能测试。
The result of reliability testing should be viewed in conjunction with the results of stress testing, functional testing, and testing of networking features. 可靠性测试的结果应该与压力测试、功能测试和网络特性测试的结果一起查看。
The Python programming community is well-known for their advocacy of unit testing and functional testing. Python编程社区非常重视单元测试和功能性测试。
Map files relate functional testing objects to the keywords in step tables. 射文件将功能性测试对象与步骤表格中的关键词联系起来。
InfoQ: Are you using any functional testing methods in your work? InfoQ:在工作中使用功能测试方法吗?
We propose a new approach of functional testing for microprocessor systems and discuss the hardware associated and test generation. 针对微处理器系统测试问题,提出了一种全新的功能测试方法。
Do you know the difference between functional testing and exploratory testing? 功能性测试和探索性测试的区别是什么?
The recent release of Eclipse Indigo includes Jubula, an automated functional testing tool for Java and HTML applications. 近日发布的EclipseIndigo包含了Jubula&面向Java与HTML应用的自动化功能测试工具。
Research on the Method of Benchmark Database by Functional Testing Based on Financial Business Systems 基于金融业务系统的功能测试基准库方法研究
Research of Web Functional Testing Automation Based on FSM 基于有限状态机理论的Web功能自动化测试技术研究
In the world of functional testing, the protection of patients remains the highest priority. 在功能测试领域中,保护病人处于最高优先地位。
Research on the Completion and Application of Automation Framework Based on Web Functional Testing 基于Web功能测试的自动化框架实现与应用的研究
Adjust the detection range, and functional testing during the day should bolt to the left to the end. 调节探测范围以及在白天进行功能测试时应该将螺栓向左旋到尽头。
In functional testing, particular features are tested in isolation. 在功能测试中,某个功能部件是孤立测试的。
Functional testing of the integrated system will be performed to ensure system integrity where necessary. 如果需要,可对整个系统进行功能性测试,确认系统的完整性。
Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected result with the valid input. 功能测试是检查使用有效的输入是否能得到所期望的输出。
Functional testing: monkeyrunner can run an automated start-to-finish test of an Android application. 功能测试:monkeyrunner可以为一个应用自动贯彻一次功能测试。